►NGio | |
►NDBus | |
NAddress | |
NErrorUtils | |
CActionGroup | ActionGroup - A D-Bus Gio::ActionGroup implementation |
CAnnotationInfo | Stores information about an annotation |
CArgInfo | ArgInfo - Stores information about an argument for a method or a signal |
CAuthObserver | AuthObserver - An object used for authenticating connections |
CConnection | A D-Bus Connection |
CError | |
CInterface | Interface - Base type for D-Bus interfaces |
CInterfaceInfo | Stores information about a D-Bus interface |
CInterfaceSkeleton | Abstract base class for D-Bus interfaces on the service side |
CInterfaceVTable | This represents a virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface |
CMenuModel | MenuModel - A D-Bus Gio::MenuModel implementation |
CMessage | A type for representing D-Bus messages that can be sent or received on a Connection |
CMethodInfo | Stores information about a method on an D-Bus interface |
CMethodInvocation | An Object for handling remote calls |
CNodeInfo | NodeInfo - Stores information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy |
CObject | Object - Base type for D-Bus objects |
CObjectManager | Base type for D-Bus object managers |
CObjectManagerClient | Client-side object manager |
CObjectManagerServer | Service-side object manager |
CObjectProxy | Client-side D-Bus object |
CObjectSkeleton | Service-side D-Bus object |
CPropertyInfo | Stores information about a property on a D-Bus interface |
CProxy | A client-side proxy |
CServer | This is a helper for listening to and accepting D-Bus connections |
CSignalInfo | Stores information about a signal on a D-Bus interface |
CSubtreeVTable | This represents a virtual table for subtrees registered with Gio::DBus::Connection::register_subtree() |
CAction | Action - An action interface |
CActionGroup | ActionGroup - a group of actions |
CActionMap | ActionMap - Interface for action containers |
CAppInfo | Application information, to describe applications installed on the system, and launch them |
CAppInfoMonitor | Monitor application information for changes |
CAppLaunchContext | This is used to handle, for instance, startup notification and launching of the new application on the same screen as the launching window |
CApplication | Application - Core application class |
CApplicationCommandLine | ApplicationCommandLine - A command-line invocation of an application |
CAsyncInitable | AsyncInitable - Asynchronously failable object initialization interface |
CAsyncResult | Provides a base class for implementing asynchronous function results |
CBufferedInputStream | The buffered input stream implements FilterInputStream and provides for buffered reads |
CBufferedOutputStream | The buffered output stream implements FilterOutputStream and provides for buffered writes |
CBytesIcon | An icon stored in memory as a Glib::Bytes |
CCancellable | Allows actions to be cancelled |
CCharsetConverter | CharsetConverter - Convert between charsets |
CConverter | Converter - Data conversion interface |
CConverterInputStream | ConverterInputstream - Converter Input Stream |
CConverterOutputStream | ConverterOutputstream - Converter Output Stream |
CCredentials | An object containing credentials |
CDataInputStream | An implementation of BufferedInputStream that allows for high-level data manipulation of arbitrary data (including binary operations) |
CDataOutputStream | An implementation of FilterOutputStream that allows for high-level data manipulation of arbitrary data (including binary operations) |
CDesktopAppInfo | DesktopAppInfo is an implementation of AppInfo based on desktop files |
CDrive | Virtual File System drive management |
CEmblem | An object for emblems |
CEmblemedIcon | Icons with Emblems |
CError | Exception class for giomm errors |
CFile | File and directory handling |
CFileAttributeInfo | Information about a specific attribute - see FileAttributeInfoList |
CFileAttributeInfoList | Key-Value paired file attributes |
CFileAttributeMatcher | FileAttributeMatcher allows for searching through a FileInfo for attributes |
CFileDescriptorBased | Interface for file descriptor based IO |
CFileEnumerator | Enumerated Files Routines |
CFileIcon | FileIcon specifies an icon by pointing to an image file to be used as icon |
CFileInfo | FileInfo implements methods for getting information that all files should contain, and allows for manipulation of extended attributes |
CFileInputStream | FileInputStream provides input streams that take their content from a file |
CFileIOStream | FileIOStream provides input streams that take their content from a file |
CFileMonitor | Monitors a file or directory for changes |
CFilenameCompleter | Completes partial file and directory names given a partial string by looking in the file system for clues |
CFileOutputStream | FileOutputStream provides output streams that write their content to a file |
CFilterInputStream | Filter Input Stream |
CFilterOutputStream | Filter Output Stream |
CIcon | This is a very minimal interface for icons |
CInetAddress | An IPv4/IPv6 address |
CInetSocketAddress | Internet SocketAddress |
CInitable | Failable object initialization interface |
CInputStream | Base class for implementing streaming input |
CIOStream | IOStream - Base class for implementing read/write streams |
CListModel | A dynamic list of objects |
CListStore | A simple implementation of Gio::ListModel that stores all items in memory |
CListStoreBase | A simple implementation of Gio::ListModel that stores all items in memory |
CLoadableIcon | Extends the Icon interface and adds the ability to load icons from streams |
CMemoryInputStream | MemoryInputStream implements InputStream for arbitrary memory chunks |
CMemoryOutputStream | Streaming output operations on memory chunks |
CMenu | A simple implementation of MenuModel |
CMenuAttributeIter | MenuAttributeIter - A menu attribute iterator |
CMenuItem | A menu item for use with Gio::Menu |
CMenuLinkIter | MenuLinkIter - A menu link iterator |
CMenuModel | MenuModel - An abstract class representing the contents of a menu |
CMount | The Mount interface represents user-visible mounts |
CMountOperation | Authentication methods for mountable locations |
CNetworkAddress | A SocketConnectable for resolving hostnames |
CNetworkMonitor | Network status monitor |
CNetworkService | A GSocketConnectable for resolving SRV records |
CNotification | User Notifications (pop up messages) |
COutputStream | Base class for implementing streaming output |
CPermission | An object representing the permission to perform a certain action |
CPollableInputStream | PollableInputStream - Interface for pollable input streams |
CPollableOutputStream | PollableOutputStream - Interface for pollable output streams |
CPropertyAction | An Action reflecting a Glib::Object property |
CProxy | Proxy - Interface for proxy handling |
CProxyAddress | ProxyAddress - An internet address with proxy information |
CProxyResolver | ProxyResolver - Asynchronous and cancellable network proxy resolver |
CRemoteActionGroup | RemoteActionGroup - a ActionGroup that interacts with other processes |
CResolver | Asynchronous and cancellable DNS resolver |
CResolverError | |
CResource | Resource framework |
CResourceError | Exception class for resource file handling errors |
CSeekable | Stream seeking interface |
CSettings | A high-level API for application settings |
CSettingsSchema | Introspecting and controlling the loading of GSettings schemas |
CSettingsSchemaKey | See SettingsSchema |
CSettingsSchemaSource | See SettingsSchema |
CSignalSocket | |
CSimpleAction | SimpleAction - A simple Action implementation |
CSimpleActionGroup | SimpleActionGroup - A simple ActionGroup implementation |
CSimpleIOStream | A wrapper around an input and an output stream |
CSimplePermission | A Permission that doesn't change value |
CSocket | Low-level socket object |
CSocketAddress | Abstract base class representing endpoints for socket communication |
CSocketAddressEnumerator | Enumerator type for objects that contain or generate SocketAddresses |
CSocketClient | Helper for connecting to a network service |
CSocketConnectable | Interface for potential socket endpoints |
CSocketConnection | A socket connection |
CSocketControlMessage | A Socket control message |
CSocketListener | Helper for accepting network client connections |
CSocketService | Make it easy to implement a network service |
CSocketSource | An event source that can monitor a Gio::Socket |
CSrvTarget | DNS SRV record target |
CSubprocess | Child processes |
CSubprocessLauncher | Environment options for launching a child process |
CTcpConnection | A TCP SocketConnection |
CTcpWrapperConnection | Wrapper for non-Gio::SocketConnection-based, Gio::Socket-based Gio::IOStreams |
CThemedIcon | Icon theming support |
CThreadedSocketService | A threaded GSocketService |
CTlsCertificate | TlsCertificate - TLS certificate |
CTlsClientConnection | TLS client-side connection |
CTlsClientConnectionImpl | Gio::TlsClientConnectionImpl is a Gio::TlsConnection that implements the Gio::TlsClientConnection interface |
CTlsConnection | TLS connection type |
CTlsDatabase | TlsDatabase - TLS database type |
CTlsError | |
CTlsInteraction | TlsInteraction - Interaction with the user during TLS operations |
CTlsPassword | TlsPassword - TLS Passwords for prompting |
CTlsServerConnection | TLS server-side connection |
CTlsServerConnectionImpl | Gio::TlsServerConnectionImpl is a Gio::TlsConnection that implements the Gio::TlsServerConnection interface |
CUnixConnection | A Unix domain SocketConnection |
CUnixCredentialsMessage | UnixCredentialsMessage - A SocketControlMessage containing credentials |
CUnixFDList | UnixFDList - An object containing a set of UNIX file descriptors |
CUnixFDMessage | UnixFDMessage — A GSocketControlMessage containing a GUnixFDList |
CUnixInputStream | UnixInputStream implements InputStream for reading from a unix file descriptor, including asynchronous operations |
CUnixOutputStream | UnixOutputStream implements OutputStream for writing to a a unix file descriptor, including asynchronous operations |
CUnixSocketAddress | UnixSocketAddress - UNIX SocketAddress |
CVolume | The Volume interface represents user-visible objects that can be mounted |
CVolumeMonitor | Monitors a file or directory for changes |
CZlibCompressor | ZlibCompressor - Zlib compressor |
CZlibDecompressor | ZlibDecompressor - Zlib decompressor |
►NGlib | |
NAscii | |
NBase64 | |
►NContainer_Helpers | |
CArrayIterator | |
CArrayKeeper | A keeper class for C array |
CGListKeeper | A keeper class for GList |
CGSListKeeper | A keeper class for GSList |
CListIterator | |
CSListIterator | |
CTypeTraits | Generic TypeTraits implementation |
CTypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Drive > > | This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface |
CTypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::File > > | This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface |
CTypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Mount > > | This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface |
CTypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Volume > > | This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface |
►NMarkup | |
CAttributeKeyLess | Binary predicate used by Markup::Parser::AttributeMap |
CParseContext | A parse context is used to parse marked-up documents |
CParser | The abstract markup parser base class |
►NTraits | |
CHasGetBaseType | |
►CHasGetBaseType< T, Ret(Args...)> | |
CCheck | |
NUnicode | |
CArrayHandler | A utility for converting between std::vector and plain C arrays |
CArrayHandler< bool > | |
CBinding | Bind two object properties |
CByteArray | ByteArray - Arrays of bytes |
CBytes | A simple refcounted data type representing an immutable byte sequence from an unspecified origin |
CChecksum | Computes the checksum for data |
CConvertError | Exception class for charset conversion errors |
CDate | Julian calendar date |
CDateTime | DateTime - A structure representing Date and Time |
CDBusHandle | Class for D-Bus handles in Glib::Variant |
CDBusObjectPathString | String class for D-Bus object paths in Glib::Variant |
CDBusSignatureString | String class for D-Bus signatures in Glib::Variant |
CDir | Utility class representing an open directory |
CDirIterator | The iterator type of Glib::Dir |
CDispatcher | Signal class for inter-thread communication |
CEnviron | A convenience class for manipulating a copy of the environment variables |
CError | |
CExtraClassInit | A convenience class for named custom types |
CFileError | Exception class for file-related errors |
CIConv | Thin iconv() wrapper |
CIdleSource | |
CInterface | |
CIOChannel | IOChannel aims to provide portable I/O support for files, pipes and sockets, and to integrate them with the GLib main event loop |
CIOChannelError | Exception class for IOChannel errors |
CIOSource | |
CKeyFile | This class lets you parse, edit or create files containing groups of key-value pairs, which we call key files for lack of a better name |
CKeyFileError | Exception class for KeyFile errors |
CListHandler | A utility for converting between std::vector and GList |
CMainContext | Main context |
CMainLoop | |
CMarkupError | Exception class for markup parsing errors |
CMatchInfo | MatchInfo - MatchInfo is used to retrieve information about the regular expression match which created it |
CModule | Dynamic loading of modules |
CNodeTree | N-ary Trees - trees of data with any number of branches The NodeTree class and its associated functions provide an N-ary tree data structure, in which nodes in the tree can contain arbitrary data |
CObject | |
CObjectBase | Glib::ObjectBase is a common base class for Objects and Interfaces |
COptionContext | An OptionContext defines and parses commandline options, using OptionGroups and option entries |
COptionEntry | An OptionEntry defines a single option |
COptionError | Exception class for options |
COptionGroup | An OptionGroup defines the options in a single group |
CPatternSpec | |
CPollFD | |
CProperty | A Glib::Object property |
CProperty_ReadOnly | See Property |
CProperty_WriteOnly | See Property |
CPropertyBase | This is the base class for Glib::Object properties |
CPropertyProxy | A PropertyProxy can be used to get and set the value of an object's property |
CPropertyProxy_Base | |
CPropertyProxy_ReadOnly | See PropertyProxy() |
CPropertyProxy_WriteOnly | See PropertyProxy() |
CQuark | |
CQueryQuark | Quarks are unique IDs in Glib for strings for use in hash table lookups |
CRand | |
CRegex | Perl-compatible regular expressions - matches strings against regular expressions |
CRegexError | Exception class for Regex |
CShellError | Exception class for shell utility errors |
CSignalChildWatch | |
CSignalIdle | |
CSignalIO | |
CSignalProxy< R(T...)> | Proxy for signals with any number of arguments |
CSignalProxy< void(T...)> | Proxy for signals with any number of arguments |
CSignalProxyBase | |
CSignalProxyDetailed< R(T...)> | Proxy for signals with any number of arguments and possibly a detailed name |
CSignalProxyDetailed< void(T...)> | Proxy for signals with any number of arguments and possibly a detailed name |
CSignalProxyDetailedBase | The SignalProxy provides an API similar to sigc::signal that can be used to connect sigc::slots to glib signals |
CSignalProxyNormal | The SignalProxy provides an API similar to sigc::signal that can be used to connect sigc::slots to glib signals |
CSignalProxyProperty | Use the connect() method, with sigc::ptr_fun() or sigc::mem_fun() to connect signals to signal handlers |
CSignalTimeout | |
CSListHandler | A utility for converting between std::vector and GSList |
CSource | |
CSpawnError | Exception class for errors occuring when spawning processes |
CStdStringView | Helper class to avoid unnecessary string copying in function calls |
CTimeoutSource | |
CTimer | Portable stop watch interface |
CTimeZone | TimeZone - A structure representing a time zone |
Custring | Glib::ustring has much the same interface as std::string, but contains Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8 |
Custring_Iterator | The iterator type of Glib::ustring |
CUStringView | Helper class to avoid unnecessary string copying in function calls |
CValue | Generic value implementation for custom types |
CValue< bool > | |
CValue< const T *, Enable > | Specialization for pointers to const instances of any type |
CValue< double > | |
CValue< float > | |
CValue< Glib::RefPtr< Glib::Bytes > > | |
CValue< Glib::RefPtr< T >, typename std::enable_if< Glib::Traits::HasGetBaseType< T, GType()>::value >::type > | Partial specialization for RefPtr<> to Glib::Object |
CValue< Glib::ustring > | Specialization for UTF-8 strings |
CValue< int > | |
CValue< long > | |
CValue< long long > | |
CValue< signed char > | |
CValue< std::string > | Specialization for strings |
CValue< std::vector< Glib::ustring > > | Specialization for vectors of UTF-8 strings |
CValue< std::vector< std::string > > | Specialization for vectors of strings |
CValue< T *, Enable > | Specialization for pointers to instances of any type |
CValue< unsigned char > | |
CValue< unsigned int > | |
CValue< unsigned long > | |
CValue< unsigned long long > | |
CValue< void * > | |
CValue_Boxed | |
CValue_Enum | Base class of Glib::Value<T> specializations for enum types |
CValue_Flags | Base class of Glib::Value<T> specializations for flags types |
CValue_Pointer | |
CValue_RefPtrBoxed | |
CValueBase | |
CValueBase_Boxed | |
CValueBase_Enum | |
CValueBase_Flags | |
CValueBase_Object | |
CValueBase_String | |
CValueBase_Variant | |
CVariant | Template class used for the specialization of the Variant<> classes |
CVariant< bool > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a bool type |
CVariant< DBusHandle > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a DBusHandle type |
CVariant< double > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a double type |
CVariant< gint16 > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a gint16 type |
CVariant< gint32 > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a gint32 type |
CVariant< Glib::DBusObjectPathString > | Specialization of Variant containing a Glib::DBusObjectPathString, for variants of type object path |
CVariant< Glib::DBusSignatureString > | Specialization of Variant containing a Glib::DBusSignatureString, for variants of type signature |
CVariant< Glib::ustring > | Specialization of Variant containing a Glib::ustring, for variants of type string, object path, or signature |
CVariant< guint16 > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a guint16 type |
CVariant< guint32 > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a guint32 type |
CVariant< long > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a long type |
CVariant< long long > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a long long type |
CVariant< std::map< K, V > > | Specialization of Variant containing a dictionary (a map of (key, value) elements) |
CVariant< std::string > | Specialization of Variant containing a std::string, for variants of type bytestring, string, object path, or signature |
CVariant< std::tuple< Types... > > | Specialization of Variant containing a tuple |
CVariant< std::vector< Glib::DBusObjectPathString > > | Specialization of Variant containing an array of D-Bus object paths |
CVariant< std::vector< Glib::ustring > > | Specialization of Variant containing an array of UTF-8 capable strings |
CVariant< std::vector< std::string > > | Specialization of Variant containing an array of non-UTF-8 strings (byte string arrays) |
CVariant< std::vector< T > > | Specialization of Variant containing an array of items |
CVariant< unsigned char > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a unsigned char type |
CVariant< unsigned long > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a unsigned long type |
CVariant< unsigned long long > | Specialization of Glib::Variant containing a unsigned long long type |
CVariant< Variant< T > > | Specialization of Variant containing a Variant<T> |
CVariant< VariantBase > | Specialization of Variant containing a VariantBase |
CVariantBase | This is the base class for all Variant types |
CVariantContainerBase | The base class for multiple-item Variants, such as Variants containing tuples or arrays, and also for maybe-typed (that is, nullable) Variant types |
CVariantDict | VariantDict is a mutable interface to Variant dictionaries |
CVariantIter | VariantIter - An opaque data structure used to iterate through VariantContainerBase containers such as arrays |
CVariantParseError | Exception class for Variant parse errors |
CVariantStringBase | Base class from which string variant classes derive |
CVariantType | VariantType - The VariantBase type system |