glibmm 2.80.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CGio::DBus::AnnotationInfoStores information about an annotation
 CGio::DBus::ArgInfoArgInfo - Stores information about an argument for a method or a signal
 CGio::DBus::InterfaceInfoStores information about a D-Bus interface
 CGio::DBus::InterfaceVTableThis represents a virtual table for handling properties and method calls for a D-Bus interface
 CGio::DBus::MethodInfoStores information about a method on an D-Bus interface
 CGio::DBus::NodeInfoNodeInfo - Stores information about nodes in a remote object hierarchy
 CGio::DBus::PropertyInfoStores information about a property on a D-Bus interface
 CGio::DBus::SignalInfoStores information about a signal on a D-Bus interface
 CGio::DBus::SubtreeVTableThis represents a virtual table for subtrees registered with Gio::DBus::Connection::register_subtree()
 CGio::FileAttributeInfoInformation about a specific attribute - see FileAttributeInfoList
 CGio::FileAttributeInfoListKey-Value paired file attributes
 CGio::FileAttributeMatcherFileAttributeMatcher allows for searching through a FileInfo for attributes
 CGio::ResourceResource framework
 CGio::SettingsSchemaIntrospecting and controlling the loading of GSettings schemas
 CGio::SettingsSchemaKeySee SettingsSchema
 CGio::SettingsSchemaSourceSee SettingsSchema
 CGio::SrvTargetDNS SRV record target
 CGlib::ArrayHandler< T, Tr >A utility for converting between std::vector and plain C arrays
 CGlib::ArrayHandler< bool >
 CGlib::ByteArrayByteArray - Arrays of bytes
 CGlib::BytesA simple refcounted data type representing an immutable byte sequence from an unspecified origin
 CGlib::ChecksumComputes the checksum for data
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::ArrayIterator< Tr >
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::ArrayKeeper< Tr >A keeper class for C array
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::GListKeeper< Tr >A keeper class for GList
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::GSListKeeper< Tr >A keeper class for GSList
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::ListIterator< Tr >
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::SListIterator< Tr >
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< T >Generic TypeTraits implementation
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Drive > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::File > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Mount > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
 CGlib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits< Glib::RefPtr< Gio::Volume > >This specialization of TypeTraits exists because the default use of Glib::wrap(GObject*), instead of a specific Glib::wrap(GSomeInterface*), would not return a wrapper for an interface
 CGlib::DateJulian calendar date
 CGlib::DateTimeDateTime - A structure representing Date and Time
 CGlib::DBusHandleClass for D-Bus handles in Glib::Variant
 CGlib::DirUtility class representing an open directory
 CGlib::DirIteratorThe iterator type of Glib::Dir
 CGlib::DispatcherSignal class for inter-thread communication
 CGlib::EnvironA convenience class for manipulating a copy of the environment variables
 CGlib::IConvThin iconv() wrapper
 CGlib::KeyFileThis class lets you parse, edit or create files containing groups of key-value pairs, which we call key files for lack of a better name
 CGlib::ListHandler< T, Tr >A utility for converting between std::vector and GList
 CGlib::MainContextMain context
 CGlib::Markup::AttributeKeyLessBinary predicate used by Markup::Parser::AttributeMap
 CGlib::MatchInfoMatchInfo - MatchInfo is used to retrieve information about the regular expression match which created it
 CGlib::ModuleDynamic loading of modules
 CGlib::NodeTree< T >N-ary Trees - trees of data with any number of branches The NodeTree class and its associated functions provide an N-ary tree data structure, in which nodes in the tree can contain arbitrary data
 CGlib::OptionContextAn OptionContext defines and parses commandline options, using OptionGroups and option entries
 CGlib::OptionEntryAn OptionEntry defines a single option
 CGlib::OptionGroupAn OptionGroup defines the options in a single group
 CGlib::PropertyBaseThis is the base class for Glib::Object properties
 CGlib::QueryQuarkQuarks are unique IDs in Glib for strings for use in hash table lookups
 CGlib::RegexPerl-compatible regular expressions - matches strings against regular expressions
 CGlib::SListHandler< T, Tr >A utility for converting between std::vector and GSList
 CGlib::StdStringViewHelper class to avoid unnecessary string copying in function calls
 CGlib::TimerPortable stop watch interface
 CGlib::TimeZoneTimeZone - A structure representing a time zone
 CGlib::Traits::HasGetBaseType< typename, typename >
 CGlib::Traits::HasGetBaseType< T, Ret(Args...)>
 CGlib::Traits::HasGetBaseType< T, Ret(Args...)>::Check< U, U >
 CGlib::ustringGlib::ustring has much the same interface as std::string, but contains Unicode characters encoded as UTF-8
 CGlib::ustring_Iterator< T >The iterator type of Glib::ustring
 CGlib::UStringViewHelper class to avoid unnecessary string copying in function calls
 CGlib::VariantBaseThis is the base class for all Variant types
 CGlib::VariantDictVariantDict is a mutable interface to Variant dictionaries
 CGlib::VariantIterVariantIter - An opaque data structure used to iterate through VariantContainerBase containers such as arrays
 CGlib::VariantTypeVariantType - The VariantBase type system
 Cstd::exception [external]