glibmm 2.80.0
This is the complete list of members for Gio::DBus::Server, including all inherited members.
add_interface(GType gtype_implementer) | Gio::Initable | static |
connect_property_changed(const Glib::ustring & property_name, const sigc::slot< void()> & slot) | Glib::ObjectBase | |
connect_property_changed(const Glib::ustring & property_name, sigc::slot< void()> && slot) | Glib::ObjectBase | |
create_sync(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, const Glib::RefPtr< AuthObserver > & observer, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > & cancellable, Flags flags=Gio::DBus::Server::Flags::NONE) | Gio::DBus::Server | static |
create_sync(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > & cancellable, Flags flags=Gio::DBus::Server::Flags::NONE) | Gio::DBus::Server | static |
create_sync(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, const Glib::RefPtr< AuthObserver > & observer, Flags flags=Gio::DBus::Server::Flags::NONE) | Gio::DBus::Server | static |
create_sync(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, Flags flags=Gio::DBus::Server::Flags::NONE) | Gio::DBus::Server | static |
DestroyNotify typedef | Glib::Object | |
Flags enum name | Gio::DBus::Server | |
freeze_notify() | Glib::ObjectBase | |
get_client_address() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
get_data(const QueryQuark & key) | Glib::Object | |
get_flags() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
get_guid() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
get_property(const Glib::ustring & property_name, PropertyType & value) const | Glib::ObjectBase | |
get_property(const Glib::ustring & property_name) const | Glib::ObjectBase | |
get_property_value(const Glib::ustring & property_name, Glib::ValueBase & value) const | Glib::ObjectBase | |
get_type() | Gio::DBus::Server | static |
gobj() | Gio::DBus::Server | inline |
gobj() const | Gio::DBus::Server | inline |
gobj_copy() | Gio::DBus::Server | |
Glib::Object::gobj_copy() const | Glib::ObjectBase | |
init(const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > & cancellable) | Gio::Initable | protected |
init() | Gio::Initable | protected |
init_vfunc(const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > & cancellable, GError ** error) | Gio::Initable | protectedvirtual |
Initable() | Gio::Initable | protected |
Initable(Initable && src) noexcept | Gio::Initable | |
initialize(GObject * castitem) | Glib::ObjectBase | protected |
initialize_move(GObject * castitem, Glib::ObjectBase * previous_wrapper) | Glib::ObjectBase | protected |
Interface() | Glib::Interface | |
Interface(Interface && src) noexcept | Glib::Interface | |
Interface(const Glib::Interface_Class & interface_class) | Glib::Interface | explicit |
Interface(GObject * castitem) | Glib::Interface | explicit |
Interface(const Interface &)=delete | Glib::Interface | |
is_active() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
Object(const Object &)=delete | Glib::Object | |
Object(Object && src) noexcept | Glib::Object | |
Object() | Glib::Object | protected |
Object(const Glib::ConstructParams & construct_params) | Glib::Object | explicitprotected |
Object(GObject * castitem) | Glib::Object | explicitprotected |
ObjectBase(const ObjectBase &)=delete | Glib::ObjectBase | |
ObjectBase() | Glib::ObjectBase | protected |
ObjectBase(const char * custom_type_name) | Glib::ObjectBase | explicitprotected |
ObjectBase(const std::type_info & custom_type_info) | Glib::ObjectBase | explicitprotected |
ObjectBase(ObjectBase && src) noexcept | Glib::ObjectBase | protected |
operator=(Server && src) noexcept | Gio::DBus::Server | |
Glib::Object::operator=(const Object &)=delete | Glib::Object | |
Glib::Object::operator=(Object && src) noexcept | Glib::Object | |
Glib::ObjectBase::operator=(const ObjectBase &)=delete | Glib::ObjectBase | |
Glib::ObjectBase::operator=(ObjectBase && src) noexcept | Glib::ObjectBase | protected |
Gio::Initable::operator=(Initable && src) noexcept | Gio::Initable | |
Glib::Interface::operator=(Interface && src) noexcept | Glib::Interface | |
Glib::Interface::operator=(const Interface &)=delete | Glib::Interface | |
property_active() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
property_address() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
property_authentication_observer() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
property_client_address() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
property_flags() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
property_guid() const | Gio::DBus::Server | |
reference() const | Glib::ObjectBase | virtual |
remove_data(const QueryQuark & quark) | Glib::Object | |
Server(Server && src) noexcept | Gio::DBus::Server | |
Server(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, const Glib::RefPtr< AuthObserver > & observer, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > & cancellable, Flags flags) | Gio::DBus::Server | protected |
Server(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, const Glib::RefPtr< Cancellable > & cancellable, Flags flags) | Gio::DBus::Server | protected |
Server(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, const Glib::RefPtr< AuthObserver > & observer, Flags flags) | Gio::DBus::Server | protected |
Server(const std::string & address, const std::string & guid, Flags flags) | Gio::DBus::Server | protected |
set_data(const Quark & key, void * data) | Glib::Object | |
set_data(const Quark & key, void * data, DestroyNotify notify) | Glib::Object | |
set_data_with_c_callback(const Quark & key, void * data, GDestroyNotify notify) | Glib::Object | |
set_property(const Glib::ustring & property_name, const PropertyType & value) | Glib::ObjectBase | |
set_property_value(const Glib::ustring & property_name, const Glib::ValueBase & value) | Glib::ObjectBase | |
signal_new_connection() | Gio::DBus::Server | |
start() | Gio::DBus::Server | |
steal_data(const QueryQuark & quark) | Glib::Object | |
stop() | Gio::DBus::Server | |
thaw_notify() | Glib::ObjectBase | |
unreference() const | Glib::ObjectBase | virtual |
wrap(GDBusServer * object, bool take_copy=false) | Gio::DBus::Server | related |
Glib::Object::wrap(GObject * object, bool take_copy=false) | Glib::Object | related |
Gio::Initable::wrap(GInitable * object, bool take_copy=false) | Gio::Initable | related |
~Initable() noexcept override | Gio::Initable | |
~Interface() noexcept override | Glib::Interface | |
~Object() noexcept override | Glib::Object | protected |
~ObjectBase() noexcept=0 | Glib::ObjectBase | protectedpure virtual |
~Server() noexcept override | Gio::DBus::Server |